Cervical Radiculopathy

Definition & Symptoms Linkedin Twitter Facebook Envelope Radiculopathy is a disorder of the spinal nerve roots that is commonly caused

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Myofascial Pain Syndrom

Definition & Symptoms Linkedin Twitter Facebook Envelope Myofascial pain syndrome is the sensory, motor and autonomic symptoms caused by myofascial

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Muscle Pain

Definition & Symptoms Linkedin Twitter Facebook Envelope Muscle pain originates in any of the muscles in the body. The medical

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Back Pain

Definition & Symptoms Linkedin Twitter Facebook Envelope Back pain can be a symptom of many different illnesses and conditions. The

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Definitions & Symptoms Linkedin Twitter Facebook Envelope Neuropathy is a classical term for any disorder affecting any segment of the

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Radiculopathy / Sciatica

Definitions & Symptoms Linkedin Twitter Facebook Envelope Radiculopathy is a disorder of the spinal nerve roots that is commonly caused

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Definitions & Symptoms Linkedin Twitter Facebook Envelope Arthritis is the inflammation of a joint or a state characterized by inflammation

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Arm & Leg Pain

Definition & Symptoms Linkedin Twitter Facebook Envelope Arm/leg pain can be due to a variety of different problems including nerve

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